Our students on the Holland football trip
The school prides itself on the vast number of extra-curricular activities and out of class opportunities available to our students.
These include:
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Snowsports course to Aosta Valley, Italy
- Basketball
- Rugby
- Shinty
- Football
- FilmG
- Badminton
- Climbing Wall
- Battlefield Trip to Belgium
- London Theatre Trip
- Outward Bound Residential Week
- Columba 1400 Leadership Academy
- Kayaking
- Running Club
- Debating club
- Gaidhlig Magazine
- Swimming
- Charity Trips (Vine Trust)
- French Exchange Trip
- Morocco Cultural Visit
- Skyedance
We actively encourage personal achievement not only through in-class and study activities and extra-curricular opportunities, but also by recognising participation and achievement in community, recreational and personal activities undertaken in the young person’s own time. We encourage all of our senior learners to take part in some form of volunteering or leadership activity, e.g. work experience and the Saltire Award. At every level, an ethos of high expectation is encouraged. Attainment and achievement are recognised and celebrated on a regular basis through our newsletters and success assemblies. Our Aim Skye High Award Scheme is inclusive - open to and achievable for all.
The range of opportunities include Head Girl/Boy, Prefects, House Captains, Sports Leaders, Pupil Council, Learning Council, S1 Buddies, Charity groups and Focus Groups.
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Charities and Voluntary Work
Our Charity Committee directly reflects the ethos of the school. This is run by a group of S6 prefects and regularly organises dress-down days, cake sales, and other fund-raising activities. We support a range of local charities, such as Blythswood, Project Trust, Young Carers and Lucky2BeHere, as well as a diverse range of cancer, mental health and childrens' charities. We take an active part in Children in Need and Comic/Sports Relief.
A large number of students volunteer within community projects and we continue to support and encourage individuals to get involved in supporting others.
International Work
We support our partner school, Hope and Faith Community School, Lusaka, Zambia, by sponsoring students and fund-raising to support the development of the school. We continue to work together on international projects to teach our school community about a number of international issues, such as child poverty, sustainable development and global awareness.
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